Trip to NYC Media Center. Ruslan.V

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The trip was amazing as usual. I always like outdoor activities especially when I have a great company. I think this is the best way to teach students. I have learned a lot of new information during this trip. I was amazed by “Made In New York Media Center”.  It is the best place to work if you are a freelancer.  I think I may be using their services and space  very soon as I have a lot of freelance projects to work on.  Walking   around Empire Fulton Ferry Pier gave me new experience and good feeling, because  I have never been there before. We  explored great view,  we shoot nice photos. Thanks to Beltran’s sister for these great images. Every time I walk on the Brooklyn bridge I always admire the architects who build that monument. It is a kind of zest of New York City.   I watched  a lot of movies and commercials shot at the bridge and I know there are more movies coming where we will see this amazing architectural creation.  I want to thank  my classmates and  professor for this amazing journey.

Trip to MOMI-Ilisabeta Tarakinikini

The trip to MOMI was better than I expected. I really enjoyed it and I plan on going back again. The development of early cinema was quite interesting. The things we’ve been talking about in class and the articles we have been reading, started to come together at the museum. Especially when I saw an actual Kinetoscope machine and all the old camera and how it all helped to evolve into something new and better was quite fascinating for me. To see how early cinema started and to what it has become today is mind blowing, the technology and just everything is something completely new to me. Reading about Kinetoscopes and seeing it in person, are two different things all together and I didn’t expect that. It was bigger than I thought, I don’t know why but I thought it was smaller. And I didn’t know that the huge broadcast cameras back then,never kept a recording of the shows. It was all really live television, not like today, where they record it and edit it and show it later. Its really the breaking news, sports and maybe some shows that do live viewings. There was a part where they showed how they did live showing for sports, how one guy watched like 10 TVs at the same time and was picking which camera shot to show. I don’t know how someone could do but it looked so hard. It was multi tasking on a whole new level.

I watched Lone Ranger last night and I was excited to see the cameras in the movie they were using to take pictures because I saw them at the museum and I found myself analyzing the movie while I watched it. This class is starting to rub off me. Before I would just enjoy the plot and move on but now I’m analyzing the movie and how its made…weird and funny.



Trip To Museum of Moving Image – link to museum website.


Hi Class, Please remember that this Friday, March 21st, we are meeting at the Museum of Moving Image at 10:30 am. This is a mandatory trip. The tour will start at 11am sharp and lasts
1 and 1/2 hours. At 12:30 pm the museum has reserved their lunch room for us, so bring a bag lunch. They do not allow outside vendors to bring lunch into the place. As part of your admission of $6.50 you will be allowed to continue after the tour to explore the museum. The closest subway stop is at Steinway on the E, M or R lines.

If you have not paid me you must do so this friday. If you are not going to be there PLEASE let me know in advance as I have pre-paid for the tickets and don’t want to be charged for those who don’t show up. If you are going to be late please let me know in advance.
You can email me at

Lastly, there are several students who are not getting my emails. If so please correct this so you are getting blackboard posts. Lastly, if you haven’t posted last weeks assignment, please do so and be aware there is a new assignment. Bring your cameras and feel free to record photos and video about your favorite aspect – they allow this and it can be incorporated into your next blog assignment, which will be to discuss your favorite aspect of the trip.